Wednesday 31 May 2017

Understand before visiting the site

  Before Visiting the Site (by web)

Questions to Keep in Mind

Ketika melawat atau memeriksa mana-mana kawasan, soalan utama untuk menjawab ialah: Mengapa tempat ini melihat cara ia tidak? Tetapi untuk membantu menjawab apa-apa pemikiran yang menyeluruh, ia adalah penting untuk mempunyai soalan lain yang tertentu dalam fikiran. Soalan-soalan ini akan membimbing penerokaan, dan mereka akan membantu memastikan bahawa maklumat penting dirakamkan semasa lawatan anda:

  • Apakah jenis (s) batu (s) terdapat di kawasan itu? Bagaimana anda tahu?
  • Dalam apa persekitaran itu batuan ini mungkin membentuk?
  • Apakah susunan batu-batu?
  • Adakah fosil dipelihara dalam batu? Jika demikian apa yang mereka boleh memberitahu anda tentang persekitaran yang lalu?
  • Apa yang telah berlaku ke kawasan ini untuk membuat ia kelihatan cara ia hari ini? (Iaitu, apa yang telah berlaku ke kawasan itu sejak batuan terbentuk?) Mengapakah anda fikir begitu? (Apakah bukti untuk tuntutan anda?)

Friday 19 May 2017



Isotopes do not fractionate during partial melting or fractional crystallization processes. So they will reflect the characteristics of the mantle source. Isotope geochemistry is an aspect of geology based upon study of the natural variations in the relative abundances of isotopes of various elements. While stable isotope geochemistry, is concerned with variation of the isotropic compositions of light elements arising from chemical fractionations rather than nuclear processes.

Isotope geochemistry; low temperature application:
The isotropic composition of a given element in living tissue depends on the source of that element like atmospheric CO2 versus dissolved CO2, seawater O2 versus meteoric water O2. The isotropic composition of fossil material will depend on any isotropic changes associated with diagenesis, included microbial decomposition. In this point, how this way is inverted to provide insights into the food sources of fossil organisms including man will be show. Low temperature application shows that isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen are fractionated during primary production of organic matter. This application showed that the relationship between the isotropic geochemistry related to the geoscience or geology. Where is the application used into the rocks to find the fossil.

Isotope geochemistry; high temperature application:
Stable isotopes have a number of uses in high temperature geochemistry such as igneous and metamorphic geochemistry. This application used of the temperature dependency of fractionation factors. The translational and rotation contributions to the partition function do not vary with temperature. Then, one of the principles used of stable isotopes is as geothermometers. Like conventional chemical geothermometers, stable isotope geothemometers are based on temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant. For example, calculated oxygen isotope fractionation for several mineral pairs as a function of temperature. So, this application is much related to the geoscience.

Application of isotope geochemistry of natural gases and carbon:
There are two fundamental of isotopes, stable and unstable (radioactive) species. Stable isotopes were not subject to radioactive decay, which is their abundance in nature is controlled by biological and physical processes like equilibrium reactions in the case of the stable isotopes of carbon (12C and 13C). Meanwhile, unstable isotopes experience to radioactive decay. It known as the half-life and these isotopes used in age dating, for example, 14C. Carbon that occurred in wide variety of compounds, from highly oxidized inorganic materials like CO2 and sedimentary carbonate rocks to highly reduce organic substances in the biosphere. Isotope equilibrium exchange reactions in the inorganic carbon system (atmospheric CO2- dissolved bicarbonate-solid carbonate) lead to an enrichment of 13C in carbonate rocks. In the other hand, kinetic isotope effects during photosynthesis concentrate 12C in organic matter. For distinguishing natural gases from different sources, stable isotope geochemistry was provided a powerful method.

Application of isotope geochemistry to igneous petrogenesis:
One of the most fundamental applications of isotopes to igneous systems is to use radiogenic isotopes as “clocks” to date the crystallization ages of rocks. Isotropic compositions of igneous rocks provided a wealth of information about the processes and timescales involved in their formation. Numerous isotope systems, individually combined, have provided a detailed understanding of a range of igneous processes from the formation and early evolution of earth’s interior to ongoing processes. The application to some of the most fundamentally important processes in igneous petrology, included constrain on the timing of crust mantle differentiation, timescales of magma formation and ascent, and the processes and timescales of magma evolution. Crystallization ages of meteorites and the oldest terrestrial minerals constrain the age of the earth and formation evolution of ancient continental crust. Knowledge of the crystallization ages of young volcanic rocks is necessary to determine of eruption recurrence intervals. Radiogenic, stable and cosmogenic isotope systems also play fundamental roles as tracers of diverse igneous processes.

Application of isotope geochemistry in petroleum geoscience:
Petroleum system is a natural system that encompasses a pod of petroleum source rocks and all related oil and gas which included all the geologic elements and processes that are essential if a hydrocarbon accumulation is to exist. Essential elements of a petroleum such as a petroleum source rock, a petroleum reservoir rock, a seal rock and an overburden rock. Meanwhile, essential processes of petroleum such as trap formation and generation migration accumulation of petroleum. Modern isotope and biomarker analyses on the molecular level readily allow the identification and separation of multiple sources of oils in a petroleum system, where oils were inherit the molecular and isotropic character of the parent oil. Stable isotope applications in liquids; to correlation of whole oils, bitumens and kerogen, and quantitative estimates of oil co-sources.


Overall in this application used in the geoscience. Firstly, isotropic composition of fossil material will depend on any isotropic changes associated with diagenesis to provide insights into the food sources of fossil organisms. There are several reasons for the controversy, but all ultimately relate to the extremely complex geological history of the area. Then, high temperature geochemistry such as igneous and metamorphic geochemistry, which is his application used of the temperature dependency of fractionation factors. The nature of chemical bond is of primary importance in determining isotope fractionations. For example, comparison of quartz-mineral fractionation factors estimated from the difference in oxygen site potential and experimentally observed fractionation. 

Next, carbon that occurred in wide variety of compounds, from highly oxidized inorganic materials like CO2 and sedimentary carbonate rocks to highly reduce organic substances in the biosphere. Sedimentary carbonates and organic matter possess distinct stable carbon isotope compositions because of the operation of two different reaction mechanisms. Applications of isotopes to igneous systems used radiogenic isotopes as “clocks” to date the crystallization ages of rocks. Thus, provides a critical link to volcanic hazard assessment and eruption forecasting. For petroleum geoscience, where it related to the exploration, development, production and field abandonment of petroleum.

This will provide a general overview of first principals concerning stable isotope geochemistry in the earth sciences.

Gua Ikan / Fish Cave, Kelantan, Malaysia


Image result for gua ikan

Gua Ikan located in Kampung Slow Pak Long, it’s about 95 km from Kuala Krai and just 7 km from Dabong. It's a 30 minute ride en route to Gua Musang on Federal Road 8 before you find the turn off to Dabong. From this junction, headed to Dabong about 40 km ahead, we will find the entrance to this attraction at left side. To find Gua Ikan, the exact location on the map based on GPS coordinates are 5°21'15.7"N 102°01'36.8"E. There are interesting caves in the hills of limestone which was laid down by tributary water. There is also a spacious, airy area for leisure.

1)      Aesthetic value
The uniqueness of this limestone cave that is said to be 150 million years old formed from the shells of marine life or calcium carbonate accumulated in shallow sea waters and water flow of the river which takes millions of years. As a result of the process, it looks so impressive and mystical and raises questions of its occurrence. When approaching the face of cave filled with fungi and floor cleaning dusty and looks shells is amazing at sight of the naked eye. Swirl smooth lines on the cave walls as well as the impact of water flow vents on the ceiling of the cave makes the limestone cave looks awesome. Limestone formations that formed on the walls, ceilings and floors with various forms are often making it as a name for any of the caves.

2)      Recreational value
Gua Ikan as a recreational park that the place that easy to access. There have basic amenities, easily visible landmarks and directions and good road route. It has signboards which adequate, clear and visible to be there. Then, it will be the good area for cave exploring, camping and cycling because there have camping ground that is spacious and flat and safe environment. Enjoy the beauty of flora and fauna is also interesting activities that can be done there. Public facilities such as car parking, prayer room for Muslims, public toilets, children's playground and campsite make the area suitable for a wide range of recreational camping. The caves are signposted and there is ample space for parking. Parking lot which is wide can house up to 30 vehicles including buses at any one time and easy to access. Such is no problem for people to do any activities at this location. This location which was always been attraction and preferred by many people especially civilians and may be tourisms.

3)      Scientific value
Gua Ikan is a cave of limestone. In this cave have the geological effects. This cave represents series of Gua Musang Formation. The age of the formation ranging from Permian to Quaternary and consists of metamorphosed limestone, bedded shale with argillaceous material and alluvium lithology. The karst morphology found here such stalactite, stalagmite and cave pillars. The limestone is light grey with presence of calcite mineral indicating the metamorphism process in the area. Gastropod fossil found in limestone represent marine deposition environment of Gua Ikan. Geological features an existing are very important to the study especially for those who want to do a thesis or any research involving the nature geological descriptions. Gua Ikan depositional environment interpreted as shallow marine environment and subdivided into reef front, back reef and lagoon. Besides, as a limestone cave habitat demands special adaptations from their inhabitants. Limestone specialists here include a trap-door spider, fruit bats, cave racer snakes, and for plants, begonias (Begonia foxworthyi, B. nurii), some species of balsam, and the one-leafed plant (Monophyllaea hirticalyx).

4)      Cultural value
Gua Ikan is the name of a cave complex at limestone hill about 5 km south of Dabong. Gua Ikan, which means Fish Cave, is thought to be so-named because a stream flows inside, which may be home to fish. In different theory, when approaching on highway 66 from the direction of Dabong we can see and noticed that the limestone hill structure containing the caves appeared to be fish-shaped. In other side, there have one story which that area is “harsh” like unseen of spirit or have a group of elves. Several of secret of nature treasure that kept such as civilization history and myth by local people. 

5)      Educational value
Complex of Gua Ikan is an icon eco-tourism in Dabong. Various methods can be used to introduce and educate the public about the geological knowledge to appreciate the site geology and also their characteristics. Among them is a way to introduce the foundations of geology which easy to understand. For example, explaining what type of rocks, how the process of its formation and the history of creation. Share knowledge on the importance of learning geosciences or geology. Therefore, becomes of interest to members of the public know this knowledge as additional knowledge can be shared and useful to protect and preserve the national heritage site is a natural treasure that should be preserved. It is also as a source of reference for young people in the future. In addition, the surrounding area is surrounded by the hills and numerous natural treasures are very enchanting.


Ongoing conservation efforts are essential to ensure the limestone cave is preserved and can be appreciated and understood by future generations. The future of this area depends on the concern of various parties. This site should be gazette as heritage site natural and managed monitoring of any party who understand its importance to the community. Finally it will be a natural heritage that could contribute to the development of local socio-economy. This diversity should be exploited and the challenges to touted to improve the local economy, thereby the value of income sources for Kelantan. 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Kawan lupa kawan?

Kawan lupa kawan sejak.....? Memang sakit bila dah anggap sebagai kawan rapat atau sahabat. Ye. Benda tu nampak simple kan. Tapi, sakitnya bila dengar perkataan itu "kawan lupa kawan". Memang mudah terkesan kalau kita ni jenis yang mudah terasa hati walaupun perkara kecil.
Contoh, sorang kawan tu duduk sorang je dalam bilik (housemate tapi bilik lain), tak boleh ke nak ajak makan sekali atau order sekali? Kau ingat dia tak lapar? Weii...kau kan pernah duduk sekali dulu. Takkan lupa kawan kut. Kau ingat dia takde perasaan? Mesti terasa hati juga. Dalam hati, "sampai hati tak ajak aku". Ada potensi nak berdendam walau perkara tu kecil je, sebab dah banyak kali kena. (CONTOH KEADAAN) kita tak boleh nak jangka semuanya.
Mungkin selama ini kita pernah terasa dan sakit hati, tetapi masih mampu cover disebalik senyuman.
Tapi sampai pada satu tahap, kita tidak dapat menerima perbuatan atau perkataan dia.
Kutuk mengutuk itu perkara biasa la. Tapi perkara yang lebih serius daripada itu, maybe rase nak terajang atau cincang2 aje.
Sabar, sabar dan sabar..
Tak perlu la kita membenci dia, tak perlu balas dendam.  Anggap sahaja ini suatu ujian.
Apa pun perkataan dia kepada kita, walaupun sangat mengguris hati, tentu itu terjadi dengan izin Allah. Anggap sahaja ini episod atau ujian yang harus kita lalui untuk menguji keimanan kita.
Pesan dan Nasihat Luqman al-Hakim kepada anaknya: “Wahai anakku, hendaklah kamu ingat kebaikan orang dan lupa kejahatan orang. Dan hendaklah kamu lupa kebaikan kamu terhadap orang dan ingatlah kejahatan yang kamu lakukan kepada orang.

Monday 5 September 2016


Daripada Surah An-Nahl, ayat 53; ayat Quran yang telah di baca,

"Dan apa sahaja nikmat yang ada pada kamu, maka daripada Allah lah (datangnya) dan apabila kamu ditimpa oleh kemudaratan, maka hanya kepadaNya kamu meminta pertolongan".

Mintalah pertolongan daripada Allah swt, DIA akan tunaikan walaupun lambat. Allah tidak akan pernah melupakan ciptaanNya sebagai mana manusia yang sering kali lalai dan lupa akan Allah swt.

Kadang-kadang kita pernah lupa untuk meminta pertolongan daripada yang MAHA ESA. Kita ter lalu lalai dengan hal dunia.

Semoga Allah swt akan kuatkan iman kita dalam menghadapi segala ujianNya sampai akhir ayat nanti.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Dengan izin Allah swt


"Tidak ada kesusahan (atau bala bencana) yang menimpa (seseorang) melainkan dengan izin Allah,dan sesiapa yang beriman kepada Allah,Allah akan memimpin hatinya (untuk menerima apa yang telah berlaku itu dengan tenang dan sabar), dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu."

Kalau rasa susah ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa sakit ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa takut ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa kehingan seseorang yang disayangi ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa nervous nak present ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa diri ini kosong ingatlah Allah,
Kalau rasa diri ini terpinggir dari orang lain ingatlah Allah,
Dan banyak lagi kalau,
Ingatlah bahawasanya Allah swt sentiasa bersama kita..

By Miss NAina 😊

Thursday 12 May 2016

Tak bercinta tetapi dalam hati ada someone special.

Tak bercinta tetapi dalam hati ada so women special???

Kamu cakap tak bercinta, tetapi sebenarnya dalam hati kamu ada someone special. Betul tak. Haaaa, betullah tu.

Situasi diatas memang banyak yang berlaku dalam kalangan kita especially yang masih berstatus bujang.

"Sebenarnya aku memang sedang tunggu dia, aku suka dia. Tapi..... Sukakah dia pada aku?" , kata  dalam hati.

"Aku tak bercinta buka bermakna aku tak laku. Jodoh aku belum sampai kut..", hati berbicara.

"Aku berharap yang dia juga akan berpaling pada aku. Aku tak nak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Nantikan tak berbunyi tepukan tu. Ceeewah. Hehe. Betullah kan".

"Aku berdoa dalam solatku, semoga si dia lah jodoh ku.".

(Bagi mereka yang single lagi tu, try cari si dia dan berdoa. In sya Allah, Allah akan bantu kita. Pastikan niat kita baik)
